This Weekend’s Special

~ Vegan Ramen 🌱 ~

(500 ml) - 48 RON

A take on the vegan ramen soup 🍲
Silky broth, lots of veggies, crispy tofu , rice noodles and a rich smooth flavor🤩

A tasty combo ispired by the Asian cuisine😉

Today’s Special (12 October) at BUNT Bistro 🌈
Enjoy ☺️

Ingrediente: Supa de legume (ciuperci champignon, hribi, morcovi, telina, pastarnac, ceapa, ghimbir, ardei, usturoi, sos de soia, piper), morocovi, taitei de orez, ciuperci, tofu, porumb, bok choy, seminte de susan, ceapa verde

Alergeni: Telina, Soia, Susan, Gluten

EN| Ingredients: Vegetable soup (champignons, mushrooms, carrots, celery, parsnips, onions, ginger, peppers, garlic, soy sauce, pepper), carrots, rice noodles, mushrooms, tofu, corn, bok choy, sesame seeds, green onion

Allergens: Celery, Soy, Sesame, Gluten

Previous specials

~ Vegan Țuşpais 🌱 ~

(400 g) - 48 RON

We don’t know exactly how to approach this one because it has so many meanings to everyone, depending on how it’s prepared, remembered or, of course, discovered! One thing is certain: it tastes amazing! 🤤

The star of the dish is the creamy sauce at the bottom, known around here as “tuspais” or “ciuspait”. Now, that’s something that’s specific to the Austro-Hungarian cuisine and has different names, ingredients and ways of cooking that, we assume, are specific to the region or the touch of the chef 😉

We did a vegan version of it and decided to serve it with roasted potatoes, mushrooms, red lentils and cherry tomatoes! It adds a lot of textures and flavors to the dish and it is also very nutritious.

This Weekend’s Special 🌱 (27-28 September) at BUNT Bistro 🌈!
Enjoy ☺️

~ Vegan Țuşpais 🌱 ~

Ingrediente: Dovlecel, ceapa, praz, cartofi, ciuperci, linte rosie, crema vegana, patrunjel, marar, cimbru, otet, ulei, sare, piper

Alergeni: Gluten, Soia, Nucifere (cocos)

EN| Ingredients: Zucchini, onions, leek, potatoes, mushrooms, red lentils, vegan cream, parsley, dill, thyme, vinegar, oil, salt, pepper

Allergens: Gluten, Soy, Nuts (coconut)

~High Forest Vegan Ragout🌱~

500 g - 52 RON

This season we’re going to cook some dishes that are tapping into new terrains of flavor!
There’s something about colder days that makes us want to cozy up without putting aside the interest to explore …. The kitchen is such a perfect spot for creativity and, as a result of how tangible this really is, for this weekend’s special we did just that 😉

This Weekend’s Special (20-21 September) at BUNT Bistro 🌈 Enjoy ☺️

Ingrediente: orez, mazare, soia, ceapa, morcovi, telina, praz, crema vegana, spanac, sfecla rosie, usturoi, lamaie, vin rosu, gin, amestec de condimente al casei, sare, piper

Alergeni: Soia si telina

EN| Ingredients: rice, peas, soybeans, onions, carrots, celery, leeks, vegan cream, spinach, beetroot, garlic, lemon, red wine, gin, house spice mix, salt, pepper

Allergens: Soy and celery

~Vegan Mushroom Gulyas🌱~

500 g - 47 RON

It looks like it’s time for some comfort food!

Slowly cooked, homemade and vegan 🌱 this Mushroom Gulyas checks all the cozy buttons….mmm, some things are just like a warm embrace ☺️

This Weekend’s Special (13-14 September) at BUNT Bistro 🌈
Enjoy 😉

Ingredients: Mushrooms, potatoes, tomatoes, onions, peppers, oil, garlic, cumin, paprika, parsley, salt, pepper

Allergies: may contain traces of gluten

~Gulyas cu ciuperci vegane🌱~

500 g - 47 RON

Ingrediente: Ciuperci, cartofi, rosii, ceapa, ardei, ulei, usturoi, chimen, boia, patrunjel, sare, piper

Alergii: poate contine urme de gluten

Vegan Smoked BUNT Burger🍔🌱

450 g - 47 RON

Now this is what we call “fuel for the weekend”! 😎😉

This weekend’s (02-03 August) Special at BUNT Bistro 🌈

Ingrediente: Chifla multicereale, ciuperci, seminte de chia, naut, soia, drojdie nutritionala, ceapa, usturoi, maghiran, boia, sos BBQ, mustar, rosii, castraveti murati, tofu afumat, Rosti (cartofi rumeniti), ulei, salata verde, sos verde

Alergeni: gluten, soia, mustar

EN - Ingredients: Multigrain bun, mushrooms, chia seeds, chickpeas, soy, nutritional yeast, onion, garlic, marjoram, paprika, BBQ sauce, mustard, tomatoes, pickles, smoked tofu, Rosti (browned potatoes), oil, lettuce, green sauce

Allergens: gluten, soy, mustard

~ Vegan couscous & crumble 🌱~

(400 g) - 47 RON

Let’s beat the heat together 😎

This dish is a symphony of flavors with the sole purpose of making your taste buds dance 🪩

Flaky couscous with roasted eggplant and zucchini , topped with a delightful nutty&sweet crumble and balanced with the gracious acidity of the lime juice.
Ready to feel the music?

This Weekend’s Special at BUNT Bistro 🌈
Enjoy ☺️

Ingrediente: ouscous, vinete, zucchini, ardei, rosii cherry, ceapa, patrunjel, mix nuci, lemn dulce, ienibahar, lime, aceto crema, sare, piper, usturoi, ulei de masline

Alergeni: Gluten, Nuci

EN - Ingredients: couscous, eggplant, zucchini, peppers, cherry tomatoes, onion, parsley, mixed nuts, licorice, allspice, lime, aceto cream, salt, pepper, garlic, olive oil Allergens: Gluten, Nuts

~Vegan Zucchini Mushroom Risotto🌱~

(400 g) - 47 RON

If we could only capture the smell and taste in this picture, the words to describe it would be useless 🤤
But, since that technology isn’t available to us yet, we’ll tell you what’s here to enjoy 😀

Perfectly textured risotto with nice fresh zucchini and fragrant porcini and champignon mushrooms🤩 , a nice touch of lime juice aaand, for the love of all food gods, the holy garlic 😉

This Weekend’s Special at BUNT Bistro 🌈
Enjoy ☺️

Ingrediente: Orez Arborio, vin alb, zuchinni, ciuperci champignon, hribi (deshidratati), drojdie inactiva, crema vegana, usturoi, ulei de masline, ulei de floarea soarelui, lime, sare, piper

EN - Ingredients: Arborio rice, white wine, zucchini, champignon mushrooms, porcini mushrooms (dehydrated), inactive yeast, vegan cream, garlic, olive oil, sunflower oil, lime, salt, pepper

~ Vegan Asian Pasta 🌱~

(400 g) - 44 RON

Sometimes it’s just the pasta that makes your appetite grow fasta’ 😉

Set the right amount of heat under the pan, chop loads of fresh veggies, add nice and sticky rice noodles, season, toss, let cook, add soy sauce, toss again, take a good looong look for the glaze factor, perform another toss , add fresh spring onions, taste aaand…. voilà! You just made yourself an amazing vegan asian meal ✌️! 😂
Or you can just enjoy it and let us do the work 😉 cause

~Vegan Asian Pasta 🌱~ is This Weekend’s (21-22 June) Special at BUNT Bistro 🌈
Enjoy ☺️

Ingrediente: Paste de orez, zuchinni, ciuperci, ceapa, ardei, morcovi, usturoi, ceapa verde, sos de soia, sos sweet chilli, seminte de susan

Alergeni: Gluten, Soia, Susan

EN - Ingredients: Rice pasta, zucchini, mushrooms, onions, peppers, carrots, garlic, green onions, soy sauce, sweet chilli sauce, sesame seeds

Allergens: Gluten, Soy, Sesame

~Vegan Chickpea Patties 🌱~

400 g - 45 RON

Bring back the classics 😉🌱

This weekend we are bringing back one of the most popular dishes that was on our previous menu! It is a very special request and we are more than happy and grateful to make it ☺️

This Weekend’s Special (7-8 June) at BUNT Bistro 🌈
Enjoy ☺️

~Chiftelute de naut vegane 🌱~

Ingrediente: cartofi, ciuperci Pleurotus, naut, gem de fructe rosii, faina, ulei, ulei de masline, ceapa verde, usturoi, patrunjel, cimbru, sare, piper

Alergeni: Gluten

EN: Ingredients: potatoes, Pleurotus mushrooms, chickpeas, red fruit jam, flour, oil, olive oil, green onion, garlic, parsley, thyme, salt, pepper

Alergens: Gluten

Roasted Potatoes, Marinated Mushrooms, Delicious Yellow Beans with Crispy Tofu and Vegan Tzatziki Sauce 🤤🌱

(400 g) - 44 RON

If this pouring rain won’t let us do anything … then let us think about food 😉☔️

This Weekend’s Special (31.05 - 01.06) at BUNT Bistro 🌈
Enjoy ☺️

Cartofi rumeniti, ciuperci marinate, fasole galbenă delicioasă cu tofu crocant și sos vegan tzatziki 🤤🌱

Ingrediente: Fasole galbena pastai, cartofi, ciuperci marinate, tofu afumat, crema vegana, Velemea, castraveti, ceapa, usturoi, ceapa verde, zeama de grapefruit, zeama de lamaie, marar, cimbrisor, sare, piper

Alergii: Soia, Nucifere si fructe cu coaja (migdale si cocos)

EN: Ingredients: Yellow beans, potatoes, marinated mushrooms, smoked tofu, vegan cream, Velemea, cucumbers, onions, garlic, green onions, grapefruit juice, lemon juice, dill, chives, salt, pepper

Allergies: Soy, Nuts and nuts (almonds and coconut)

~Soy Natur Schnitzel with Dill Sauce and Parsley Potatoes 🌱~

(400 g) - 47 RON

Loving food makes you a happy foodie, but what is it called the food that loves you back? 😂
We don’t know it yet, we just know that this dish will make you happy “LIKE THERE’S NO TOMORROW” ! 🍀

Today’s Special at BUNT Bistro 🌈
Enjoy ☺️

Ingrediente: Cartofi, soia, ierburi aromatice, branza vegana, ceapa, usturoi, marar, faina, faina de migdale, crema vegana, cocos, patrunjel, marar, chimen, cimbrisor.

Alergeni: Soia, Migdale, Gluten

EN - Ingredients: Potatoes, soy, aromatic herbs, vegan cheese, onion, garlic, dill, flour, almond flour, vegan cream, coconut, parsley, dill, cumin, thyme

Allergens: Soya, Almonds, Gluten

~Asparagus Risotto with Saffron and Baby Spinach🌱 ~

(400 g) - 49 RON

It’s full blown Spring, we are surrounded by this joyful holiday vibes and we have great food! 🤔Is there anything else to put you in the perfect mood? 😁

Smooth, textured, delicious, seasonal and vegan…besides stating the obvious, it’s time to introduce the new Weekend Special 🤩

~Asparagus Risotto with Saffron and Baby Spinach🌱 ~

This Weekend’s Special at BUNT Bistro 🌈
Enjoy ☺️

Ingrediente: Orez Carnaroli, sparanghel alb, sparanghel verde, ceapa, vin, crema vegana, unt vegan, baby spanac, lime, usturoi, sare, sofran, piper, zahar

Alergeni: Migdale (Fructe cu coajă), Soia

EN - Ingredients: Carnaroli rice, white asparagus, green asparagus, onion, wine, vegan cream, vegan butter, baby spinach, lime, garlic, salt, saffron, pepper, sugar

Allergens: Almonds (Nuts), Soy

Vegan Gnocchi with Mushroom Letscho 🌱~

(400 g) - 47 RON

We all agree that this one deserves another round on the venue of Weekend Specials 🤩 We didn’t expect you to love it so much so, with much gratitude and love, decided to do it again 😉 Thank you! 💚

Since we didn’t manage to post it the first time , here it is ~ Vegan Gnocchi with Mushroom Letscho 🌱~

Weekend Special (25 - 26 April) at BUNT Bistro
Enjoy ☺️

Ingrediente: Gnocchi (cartofi, faina, apa, sare), ciuperci, ardei, zuchinni, rosii, ceapa, ceapa verde, patrunjel, usturoi, sare, piper

Alergeni: Gluten

EN - Ingredients: Gnocchi (potatoes, flour, water, salt), mushrooms, peppers, zucchini, tomatoes, onions, green onions, parsley, garlic, salt, pepper

Allergens: Gluten

~ Green Moussaka 🌱~

(400 g) - 47 RON

It feels like summer in the spring, but these hot April days made us crave something amazing🤩
We thought it would be wonderful to put a spin on it and, with a touch of imagination and some great ingredients, voilà : The vegan ~ Green Moussaka 🌱~

This Weekend’s Special (12-13 April) @ BUNT Bistro 🌈

Enjoy ☺️

Ingrediente: Cartofi, spanac, ciuperci, masline verzi, white greek vegan (specialitate vegetala in stil grecesc), ceapa, crema vegana, drojdie inactiva, apa, ulei, ulei de masline, usturoi, sare, piper, marar, cimbru, dafin, busuioc, nucsoara

Alergeni: -

EN - Ingredients: Potatoes, spinach, mushrooms, green olives, white greek vegan (Greek style plant based block), onions, vegan cream, inactive yeast, water, oil, olive oil, garlic, salt, pepper, dill, thyme, bay, basil, nutmeg

Allergens: -

~ Vegan Stuffed Loaf with Polenta and Mushroom Sauce~🌱

(400 g) - 47 RON

It’s wild garlic season and what a better opportunity to enjoy it than as a Weekend Special? 🤩
Homemade, savory, wholesome food 🤤

This weekend (05-06 April)
Enjoy ☺️ BUNT Bistro 🌈

RO - Ingrediente: ciuperci, orez, nuci, alune de padure, cashews, migdale, ceapa, usturoi, crema vegana, lapte de soia, zucchini, leurda, drojdie inactivă, patrunjel, ulei, faina, malai, grăsime vegetală, apa, chimen, sare, piper

Alergeni: Gluten, Nucifere, Soia

EN - Ingredients: mushrooms, rice, nuts, hazelnuts, cashews, almonds, onion, garlic, vegan cream, soy milk, zucchini, wild garlic, inactive yeast, parsley, oil, flour, malai, vegetable fat, water, cumin, salt, pepper

Allergens: Gluten, Nuts, Soy

~ Ridichiulous Salad🌱~

(400 g) - 42 RON

Eu primavara nu dorm, nu am somn,
Doar o pofta de salata…una buna, aromata! 😂

Viata in versuri e mai buna cu burta plina😉 Voi ati cerut, noi am facut si a iesit mega delicious 🤤

~ Ridichiulous Salad🌱~
Fresh, flavorful and super packed with healthy ingredients!

This Weekend’s Special (22 - 23 March) at BUNT Bistro 🌈
Enjoy ☺️

Ingrediente: Ridichi, linte, naut, morcovi, conopida, rosii cherry, rucola, capsuni, seminte de susan, seminte de canepa, ulei de masline, grapefruit, lamaie, menta, busuioc, sare, piper, zahar (dressing)

Alergeni: Susan

EN - Ingredients: Radishes, lentils, chickpeas, carrots, cauliflower, cherry tomatoes, arugula, strawberries, sesame seeds, hemp seeds, olive oil, grapefruit, lemon, mint, basil, salt, pepper, sugar (dressing)

Allergens: Susan

~Vegan Gulyas Saft with Butter Beans and crispy Oyster Mushrooms🌱 ~

400 g - 46 RON

Dear BUNT🌈 People,

Sambata aceasta locatia va fi inchisa, si, ca sa nu va incurcam planurile - daca cumva gandul si pasii v-ar fi adus aici, va anuntam inca de azi de aceasta schimbare aparuta in program.

Totusi, avand in vedere ca vom avea doar o zi de weekend impreuna saptamana aceasta, am hotarat sa ne harnicim si mai tare si sa pregatim pentru voi un Prekend Special 🤩

Vegan, tasty, and just perfect for your mood… or everyone’s mood, by the looks of the weather 🧐

This weekend (14 - 15 march) @ BUNT Bistro 🌈

Enjoy ☺️

Ingrediente: Ceapa, rosii, fasole, pleurotus, ardei, boia, usturoi, ulei, ulei de masline, ceapa verde, cimbru, patrunjel, marar, chimen, sare, piper

Ingredients: Onions, tomatoes, butter beans, pleurotus, peppers, paprika, garlic, oil, olive oil, green onions, thyme, parsley, dill, cumin, salt, pepper

~Vegan Boletus and Button Mushroom Stew with pearly green Peas and Polenta “Bulz” stuffed with sweet cherry tomatoes and leek 🌱 ~

Rich, flavorful and very, very exciting ☺️ #weekendspecial at BUNT Bistro 🌈

1 Martie Fabulous🍀🌻
Enjoy ☺️

~ Vegan Saffron Risotto al Limone with Broccoli and Cauliflower 🌱~ (400 g)

47 RON

A blast of flavor and textures wisely combined to make your senses tingle!
Crazy Fresh, satisfying and simply delicious 🤤

Weekend Special (23 - 24 February) at BUNT Bistro🌈!

Made it with 💚 for vegan food 🌱
Enjoy ☺️

Ingrediente: Orez arborio, brocolli, conopida, praz, ceapa, caju, ceapa verde, vin, ulei de masline, ulei de floarea soarelui, usturoi, drojdie inactiva, lamaie, lime, sare, busuioc, sofran, piper

Alergeni: Nucifere

EN - Ingredients: Arborio rice, broccoli, cauliflower, leek, onion, cashew, green onion, wine, olive oil, sunflower oil, garlic, inactive yeast, lemon, lime, salt, basil, saffron, pepper

Allergens: Nuts

All I want for dinner is gooooood food 🤤

~Tofish with Dill Sauce and Raclette Potatoes 🌱~

46 RON

Today’s Special (10.02.2024) at BUNT Bistro 🌈

Enjoy ☺️

Ingrediente: Cartofi Raclette, tofu, crema vegana, ceapa, drojdie inactiva, usturoi, sfecla, alge, faina, ulei, ceapa verde, marar, sare, piper, fum lichid, chimen, lime

EN - Ingredients: Raclette potatoes, tofu, vegan cream, onion, inactive yeast, garlic, beetroot, seaweed, flour, oil, green onion, dill, salt, pepper, liquid smoke, cumin, lime

Juicier, bigger, tastier and very much updated …

BUNT Smoked Burger 🌱/ BUNT Cheeseburger (450 g)

45 RON

Guess who’s back?
The Weekend Special Baby 🤩

Either you want it vegan or vegetarian, we got that😉

This weekend (02 - 03.02.2024) @ BUNT Bistro 🌈

Ingrediente: Chifla burger, soia, naut, ceapa, usturoi, mustar, sos barbeque, sos verde, drojdie nutritionala, tofu afumat/cheddar, castraveti murati, salata verde, rosii, Rösti de cartofi, ulei, sare, piper, boia, patrunjel, cimbru

Alergii: Gluten, Mustar, Soia

EN - Ingredients: Burger bun, soy, chickpeas, onion, garlic, mustard, barbeque sauce, green sauce, nutritional yeast, smoked tofu/cheddar, pickled cucumbers, lettuce, tomatoes, potato Rösti, oil, salt, pepper, paprika, parsley , thyme

Allergies: Gluten, Mustard, Soy

~ Vegan Nut Roast, Pumpkin and Pears ~ 🌱 (400 g)

44 RON

It kinda is the time when we really start thinking about the Christmas Dinner! 🎄
It’s something so special and unique about it and we do look forward to making the most of those special moments together❤️… This Weekend’s Special is a preview of how amazing and versatile vegan food can be
Who said you can’t have gorgeous and delicious vegan Christmas food can now think twice 😉🤩

Weekend Special (08-09 December) at BUNT Bistro🌈
Enjoy ☺️🎅

Ingredients: walnuts, almonds, cashews, hazelnuts, mushrooms, pumpkin, potatoes, onions, inactive yeast, rice, pears, pickles, mustard, garlic, thyme, parsley, paprika, green onions, horseradish, nutmeg, chia seeds, water, salt, pepper, oil

Allergens: Nuts, Mustard

Ingrediente: nuci, migdale, caju, alune de padure, ciuperci, dovleac, cartofi, ceapa, drojdie inactiva, orez, pere, castraveti murati, mustar, usturoi, cimbru, patrunjel, boia, ceapa verde, hrean, nucsoara, seminte chia, apa, sare, piper, ulei

Alergeni: Nucifere, Mustar

~Zwiebelrostbraten/ Hagymás Rostélyos vegan Version~ 🌱 (400 g)

43 RON

We tried to bring this beloved dish to it’s gracious vegan life and it turned out to be amazing 😍🥳
It’s full of great flavors, very juicy and intense, and it brings out all those fantastic textures that are simply a must have for anyone who is familiar with it.
Be aware, it’s seriously fulfilling so you better bring your appetite to the table 😉💪

This Weekend’s Special (17 - 18 November) at BUNT Bistro 🌈
Enjoy ☺️

Ingredients: soy, onions, potatoes, vegan butter, wine, water, flour, mustard, paprika, nutmeg, salt, pepper, parsley, pickles

RO. Ingrediente: soia, ceapa, cartofi, unt vegan, vin, apa, faina, mustar, boia, nucsoara, sare, piper, patrunjel, castraveti murati

~ Vegan Polenta “Bulz” and Hot Savory Letscho ~ (450 g)

42 RON

A vegan reinterpretation of a dear and traditional dish. The BULZ is made with corn flour and stuffed with crispy smoked tofu bits and avocado cream, formed and pan fried till golden and crusty. A must try, a must have and such an enjoyable comfort food that dates back to more settled times.

This Weekend’s (03-04 November) Special at BUNT Bistro 🌈
Enjoy ☺️

Ingredients: Polenta, avocado, vegan cream, smoked tofu, garlic, eggplant, pepper, zucchini, onion, tomato, green onion, pepper, salt, parsley

Ingrediente: Malai, avocado, crema vegana, tofu afumat, usturoi, vinete, ardei, zucchinni, ceapa, rosii, ceapa verde, piper, sare, patrunjel

~ Pumpkin Cream, crunchy Cauliflower and Broccolini with smooth Chives Sauce ~ (400 g)

41 RON

You know what what would make a great vegan dinner tonight?

Wanna bet it’s great?

This Weekend’s Special at BUNT Bistro🌈
Enjoy ☺️🌱

Ingredients: Pumpkin, potatoes, broccolini, cauliflower, vegan cream, inactive yeast, chives, mustard, onion, green onions, salt, pepper

Allergens: Soy, Mustard, Gluten

~ Crema de dovleac, conopida crocanta si broccolini cu sos de chives ~

Ingrediente: Dovleac, cartofi, brocolini, conopida, crema vegana, drojdie inactiva, chives, mustar, ceapa, ceapa verde, sare, piper

Alergeni: Soia, Mustar, Gluten

~Vegan Smokey Baked Beans with Roasted Potatoes 🌱~ (400 g)

38 RON
A very hearty comfort food, slowly cooked and seasoned with lots of fresh dill. A warm embrace of satisfying flavors and spices.

This weekend’s special at BUNT Bistro🌈.

Ingredients: beans, smoked tofu, vegan sausages, tomatoes, paprika, onions, parsnips, carrots, dill, potatoes, garlic

Allergens: Celery, Soy

~Vegan Baked Beans cu cartofi rumeniti 🌱~ (400 g)

Ingrediente: fasole, tofu afumat, carnaciori vegani, rosii, boia, ceapa, pastarnac, morcovi, marar, cartofi, usturoi

Alergeni: Telina, Soia

~ Pasta á la Ratatouille ~🌱 (400 g)

41 RON

Mellow Autumn Feels 🍁

Something for the sweet warm days of autumn, but also for these beautiful sweater evenings. A forever classic, a delicious meal 🤤

This Weekend’s Special @ BUNT Bistro 🌈

Enjoy ☺️

Pasta á la Ratatouille

~ Vegan Stuffed Bell Pepper with Polenta and Tomato Sauce 🌱~ (400 g)

40 RON

“We all eat, and it would be a sad waste of opportunity to eat badly” - Anna Thomas

Sooooo….let’s start the weekend special 🤩

A 💚 at BUNT Bistro 🌈

Enjoy ☺️

~Millet patties with Sauerkraut and good old Mashed Potatoes~ 🌱 (400 g)

40 RON

This is some healthy comfort food 🤤

A must trust and try meal that highlights the almost forgotten taste of home, but in a conscious and vegan way. We can’t get enough of it, it’s soooo good 🤩

This weekend special at BUNT Bistro 🌈
Enjoy! ☺️

Ingredients: millet, tofu, soy, inactive yeast, dill, onion, garlic, sauerkraut, cumin, paprika, potatoes, vegan butter, nutmeg, salt, pepper

Allergens: soy, almonds

Millet patties with Sauerkraut and good old Mashed Potatoes

~Chifelute de mei cu marar, sauerkraut & puree de cartofi~ 🌱 (400 g)

Ingrediente: Mei, tofu, soia, drojdie inactiva, marar ceapa, usturoi, varza acra, chimen, boia, cartofi, unt vegan, nucsoara, sare, piper

Alergeni: soia, migdale

Summer Rolls 🌱 (400g)

38 RON

Nice, refreshing, delicious and light 🌱 Sounds like the perfect dinner, right?

These generous summer rolls are a bliss for the hot summer days.
If you’re in the mood for something quite enjoyable and exciting, just have some of these chewy mouthful bites with crunchy, fresh textures and flavors 🤩

No need for forks and knives 😉

Weekend Special at BUNT Bistro 🌈
Enjoy ☺️

Ingredients: rice paper, glass noodle, tofu, mun mushrooms, bell pepper, carrots, cucumbers, peanut butter, arugula, mint, spring onions, chili sauce, soy sauce, sesame, garlic, ginger

RO: Ingrediente: foi de orez, tăitei de orez, tofu, ciuperci mun, ardei gras, morcovi, castraveti, unt de arahide, rucola, mentă, ceapă primăvară, sos chili, sos de soia, susan, usturoi, ghimbir

Summer Pasta 🌱 (400g)

39 RON

I’m in town for two days 💚

I’m vegan, bold and easy to enjoy! I can be really, really fulfilling and I would looove to satisfy your appetite for something delicious ! 😎

If I made you curious, go at BUNT Bistro and ask them for the Weekend Special! You’ll find out what I’m about 😉

If it’s Friday, then it’s time for something special 🤩
Enjoy ☺️

Ingrediente: Paste orecchiette, vinete, zucchini, rosii, ardei copti, ceapa, usturoi, ulei de masline, rucola, ceapa verde, rosii cherry, fulgi de drojdie inactiva

EN: Ingredients: orecchiette pasta, eggplant, zucchini, tomatoes, baked peppers, onion, garlic, olive oil, rocket, green onion, cherry tomatoes, inactive yeast flakes

Vegan Goulash with Crispy Polenta 🌱 (350/250 g)

40 RON

Either you like it hot, or just like that, this dish is one that will satisfy your appetite!
It’s rich in flavor, nicely textured and slowly cooked into the perfect vegan goulash🤤🌱

If it’s Friday then it’s Weekend Special at BUNT Bistro 🌈, right? 🤩

Enjoy ☺️

Vegan Goulash

Ingredients: Mushrooms, onions, tomatoes, peppers, paprika, garlic, cumin, polenta, vegan butter, inactive yeast, salt, pepper, green parsley, optional: hot peppers

Vegan Goulash
Vegan Goulash with Crispy Polenta

Gulas vegan cu polenta crocanta 🌱 (350/250 g)

40 RON

Ingrediente: Ciuperci, ceapa, rosii, ardei, boia, usturoi, chimen, malai, unt vegan, drojdie inactiva, sare, piper, patrunjel verde, optional: ardei iute

Vegan Tofish with Roasted Potatoes and Fresh Summer Salsa 🌱 (400 g)

40 RON

It’s really hot, but we gotta eat something, right?

Today’s (05 August) Special at BUNT Bistro 🌈 🤩
Enjoy ☺️

Vegan Tofish with Roasted Potatoes
BUNT Vegan Tofish

Ingredients: Tofu, nori, potatoes, garlic, cucumber, tomatoes, bell pepper, lime, fresh thyme, grapefruit

RO: Tofish vegan cu cartofi rumeniti si salsa proaspătă de vară 🌱

Ingrediente: tofu, nori, cartofi, usturoi, castraveti, rosii, ardei gras, lime verde, cimbru proaspat, grapefruit

~ Bittersweet symphony 🌱 ~ (400 g)

42 RON

With this dish your taste buds are gonna have so much fun 🤩 From savory to bitter and sweet and a fresh addition of tanginess to recalibrate the whole adventure 😉

Crispy Polenta topped with little Crunchy Oyster Mushrooms, a sweet and flavorful Peach Mousse cooked in Cider, Bittersweet Caramelized Endives and fresh Red Currant Berries 🥰 A vegan bittersweet symphony!🌱

This weekend’s special (28 -29 July) at BUNT Bistro 🌈
Enjoy ☺️

Ingredients: Polenta, vegan butter, endive, mushrooms, peaches, red currants, inactive yeast, cider, garlic, green onion, lemon, nutmeg, rosemary


~ Bittersweet symphony 🌱 ~ (400 g)

42 RON

Cu acest fel de mâncare papilele tale gustative se vor distra foarte bine 🤩 De la sărat la amar si dulce, plus un adaos proaspăt de aciditate pentru a recalibra întreaga aventură 😉

Mămăligă crocantă acoperită cu ciuperci pleurotus crocante, un mousse de piersici dulce si aromat gătit în cidru, andiva dulce-amăruie caramelizate si coacăze rosii 🥰

O simfonie vegană dulce-amăruie!🌱

Praparatul special al acestui weekend (28 -29 iulie) la BUNT Bistro 🌈

Ingrediente: Polenta, unt vegan, andive, ciuperci, piersici, coacăze roșii, drojdie inactivă, cidru, usturoi, ceapa verde, lămâie, nucșoara, rozmarin

~Pasta Pomodoro with Eggplant and Black Grapes 🌱 ~

38 RON
A beautiful summer delight with sweet notes and seasonal flavors. It just makes perfect sense 🤤
Weekend Special at BUNT Bistro 🌈
Enjoy ☺️

Warm Orzo Salad 🌱 (400 g)

37 RON

How not to skip meals and avoid the overwhelming feeling of being too tired after eating? You tryin’ to run away from turning into a “hangry” fella? We got you 😉
Just step by and ask for today’s Special 🤩 This warm Orzo Salad 🌱 has great chances of getting you in the perfect mood 😎

This weekend (07 -08 July) at BUNT Bistro 🌈🌱
Enjoy ☺️

Orzo Salad

Ingredients: Orzo, eggplant, zucchini, leek, garlic, mint, basil, lime, radish

~ Chanterelle a la Crème with Yellow Flat Beans and pan Roasted Potatoes ~ (400 g)

42 RON

No Dill is a No Deal, darling 😎

This weekend’s special is a gift of gratitude for this amazing season! 🍀🌻

An abundance of Summer flavors and textures, fresh dill, smoked crispy tofu, garlic and spring onion🤤
Available at BUNT Bistro 🌈

Enjoy ☺️

Chanterelle a la Creme BUNT Special
Chantarelle a la Creme BUNT Special

~ Vegan Moussaka with Cashew Bechamel Sauce 🌱~ (400 g)

40 RON

This is a meal that’s loaded with veggies and can be both fulfilling and light. The traditional recipe can feel a bit heavy, but the vegan version of it it’s really easy on the stomach and delicious.
With juicy layers of eggplant and zucchini, a decent amount of potatoes, a flavorful mushroom and granulated soy sauce and a top touch of cashew bechamel 🤤’s definitely something to look forward to😉

This weekend’s Special at BUNT Bistro 🌈
Enjoy ☺️

Vegan Moussaka BUNT BIstro
Vegan Moussaka BUNT
Vegan Moussaka

Vegan Gröstl with Asparagus and Grapefruit Vinaigrette 🌱 (400 g)

40 RON

Looking for those fresh summer flavors? Also in search for a perfect and fulfilling meal? 🤔

We thought about that for you and made something that can harmonize your cravings in one balanced and satisfying dish 🤤
A little bit of Austrian food, a little bit of freshness and lots and lots of delicious bites ☺️

This weekend’s (02 -03 June) Special at BUNT Bistro 🌈
Always looking for something that you’ll enjoy ☺️

Ingredients: potatoes, smoked tofu, onions, green onions, cumin, paprika, garlic, mushrooms, green asparagus, grapefruit, cherry tomatoes, mint, parsley, acceto crema, inactive yeast flakes;

Alergens: Soy

~Vegan Gröstl with Asparagus and Grapefruit Vinaigrette ~

Gröstl Vegan cu Vinaigrette de Sparanghel si Grapefruit 🌱 (400 g)

Ingrediente: cartofi, tofu afumat, ceapa, ceapa verde, chimen, boia, ciuperci, usturoi, sparanghel verde, grapefruit, rosii cherry, menta, patrunjel, acceto crema, fulgi de drojdie inactiva.

Alergeni: Soia

Special Wrap 🌱 (500 g)

38 RON

Wanna wrap your appetite around something really good?

Today we prepared for you a delicious and indulgent awesome treat 😎 Either you enjoy it here or you want it to g , this savory wrap will turn your day the best way🍀

Oyster mushrooms, crunchy rösti, eisberg salad, fresh salsa, garlic sauce 🌱

Today’s Special (27 May) at BUNT Bistro 🌈
Enjoy ☺️

Special Wrap

Cucumber Soup 🌱 (350 g)

24 RON

Super refreshing and delicious 🤤

Sooo, the warm days are here and we all look for something cool, flavorful and easy to eat, right?
Because we feel you and we know how easily this can be done, we invite you try this amazing cucumber soup. It’s fresh, vegan and very tasty 😉🌱💚

Weekend Special (19 - 20 May) at BUNT Bistro 🌈
Enjoy ☺️

Cucumber Soup BUNT Special
Cucumber Soup
Cucumber Soup BUNT

Delicious veggies slowly roasted into perfection 🤤 (400 g)

38 RON

It’s fusion time, baby 😎🌱

A combination of portobello mushrooms, zucchini, eggplant, potatoes, sun dried tomatoes and spring onions coated with just a little bit of garlic and some sweet ginger beer and sesame seeds sauce! We can make it spicy, if you’re into it 🌶️

This weekend’s Special (12 -13 May) at @BUNTBistro 🌈

~Vegan Bolognese 🌱 Inside Out?~ (400 g)

37 RON

This simple and delicious dish just got tastier and crunchier 💚😎
A new take on one of our favorites at BUNT Bistro 🌈 #weekendspecial

This weekend's (28 - 29 April) special at BUNT Bistro 🌈💚

Enjoy ☺️

Reinterpreted Arancini with Carrot Purée and Ginger-Carrot Glaze 🌱 (400 g)

42 RON

A festive vegan dish for the plant based celebration of Easter 🐣

It's incredibly balanced, savory and fulfilling and it brings out the best of each ingredient.

This weekend's (14 - 15 April) special at BUNT Bistro 🌈💚

Enjoy! ☺️

Udon Noodles Bulgogi Style 🌱 (400 g)

40 RON

This meal is a fusion of two dishes that are iconic in the Korean kitchen.  Bulgogi is usually served with rice, but the idea of serving it together with the udon noodles will be even more satisfying for your taste buds.

Savory, incredibly aromatic and pleasantly textured this dish is the ideal meal for any time of the day. It’s vegan, loaded with veggies and spices and makes a great comfort food choice 🥰

This weekend’s special (31.03 - 01.04) at BUNT Bistro💚

Enjoy ☺️

Taitei Udon in stil Bulgogi 🌱 (400 g)

Udon Noodles, Soia, Broccoli, Morcovi, Praz, Fenicul , Sos noodles (Ceapa, Sos de soia, Usturoi, Sweet Chili Sauce, Ulei floarea soarelui, Sirop de agave bio, Boia dulce, Mustar, Ghimbir), Ardei iute, Seminte de susan

Valori nutritionale / portie (400g)

Valoare energetica: 370.53 KCal /1550.29 Kj, Grasimi: 3.01 g, Acizi grasi saturati: 0.28 g, Glucide: 66.34 g, Zaharuri: 4.95 g, Proteine: 18.88 g, Sare: 0.76 g

Valori nutritionale / 100g

Valoare energetica: 92.63 KCal /387.57 Kj, Grasimi: 0.75 g, Acizi grasi saturati: 0.07 g, Glucide: 16.58 g, Zaharuri: 1.24 g, Proteine: 4.72 g, Sare: 0.19 g

Alergeni: Gluten, Soia, Mustar, Seminte de susan

~ Bell pepper filled with a soy, seeds & bulgur mix in a rich tomato sauce served with a delicious polenta crêpe ~ 🌱 (600 g)

40 RON

A classic special with tradition in our kitchen. Happy to bring back this beautiful dish and share it with you! ☺️

This weekend’s special (24 -25 March) @BUNT Bistro 🌈
Enjoy ☺️

~Ardei umplut cu soia, bulgur si seminte, servit cu un crepe de mamaliga si sos de rosii ~ 🌱

Ardei gras rosu, Umplutura (Seminte floarea soarelui, Ceapa, Soia, Bulgur, Ulei de floarea soarelui, Boia dulce, Sare, Piper, Cimbru uscat, Cimbru verde), Sos de rosii, (Rosii, Ceapa, Ulei masline extra virgin, Zahar, Usturoi, Sare: , Oregano, Piper), Crepe de mamaliga (Apa, Faina de porumb, Faina alba, Ulei masline extra virgin, Sare)

Valori nutritionale / portie (600g)

Valoare energetica: 636.5 KCal /2663.11 Kj, Grasimi: 26.37 g, Acizi grasi saturati: 2.65 g, Glucide: 63.99 g, Zaharuri: 14.29 g, Proteine: 29.69 g, Sare: 1.34 g

Valori nutritionale / 100g

Valoare energetica: 106.08 KCal /443.85 Kj, Grasimi: 4.4 g, Acizi grasi saturati: 0.44 g, Glucide: 10.67 g, Zaharuri: 2.38 g, Proteine: 4.95 g, Sare: 0.22 g

Alergeni: Soia, Gluten

Aditivi: 1

~Vegan Peanut Butter Noodles with Tofu-Almond Crumble 🌱~

Taste, flavor, creaminess and crunchiness in just one meal! The thick noodles wrap themselves around everything so you’ll have a mouthful of pure joy 🤩

Weekend special at BUNT Bistro 🌈
Enjoy ☺️


“ Krautfleckerl” or, better said, a vegan 🌱 adaptation of one of the most comforting Austrian foods. Is a simple and savory dish, with a nice and kicking taste of pepper and caraway seeds.
To make it even tastier we added a nice amount of crispy smoked tofu and a generous amount of fresh parsley!
If you’re a connoisseur, you already know what we are talking about 😉

35 RON

Today’s Special at BUNT Bistro 🌈
Enjoy ☺️

~Beetroot-Red Lentil Curry with Black Rice, Green Beans and Fresh Pomegranate ~

This sweet, savory and fresh curry is such a delightful and comforting meal!

With pleasant textures and a little bit of crunch, the harmonious balance of tastes in this dish won’t fail to surprise your taste buds in a delicate and soothing way.

It’s vegan , healthy and available this weekend at BUNT Bistro


Valentine’s Weekend Special

Tofu Salmon Steak with Ruby peppercorn sauce and lemon basil Pasta

Dear Lovers, Valentine’s Weekend is here ❤️🤩

We made a very celebratory weekend special in the name of love and vegan food! 💚🌱

~ Tofu Salmon Steak with Ruby Peppercorn Sauce and Lemon Basil Pasta~💚

Funky fresh, crispy and very tasty this dish is an open invitation for you to celebrate in green style🤩

Available at BUNT Bistro - 10 - 11 Februarie 2023 🌈

44 RON

Enjoy ☺️

Ingredients: tofu, seaweed, sun dried tomatoes, soy sauce, garlic, rosemary, basil, green peppercorn, porto wine, vegan cream, lemon, lime, pasta.

*If you have any food allergies or intolerances, please let the waiter know. Thank you!

Stuffed Knödel (Gomboti) With Saucy Letcho (Lecsó)

A very comforting and savory meal with a special smokey twist! Something new, but also a dish that feels so familiar and wholehearted.

Completely vegan, homemade and available this weekend at BUNT Bistro !


~Not So Fast Food~

Gyros Style Seitan Stripes, Roast Potatoes, Cherry Tomatoes, Baby Spinach and Arugula topped with a fresh Cucumber Dill and Lime Sauce 🤤 Everything on top of a crunchy, cheesy Tortilla

Vegan, Decadent and available only this weekend (27 - 28.01.2023)

~🌱 Vegan Bolognese ~

British Style inspired by Jamie Oliver

As the recipe requires, we made it with beer instead of wine and for texture and protein we decided to go with minced soy. This delicious meal is comforting, incredibly flavorful and very very tasty.

Enjoy the first weekend special of this year at BUNT Bistro 🌈☺️

Thank you Jamie, the vegan version of your take on Bolognese tastes like heaven!

06 - 07 January 2023

🎄Christmas Menu🎄

Luna decembrie e magica, astfel am creat un meniu special de Craciun care e disponibil întreaga luna pâna la Craciun.

Disponibil până în 24.12.2022

~ Seaweed Risotto with Enoki and Shimeji Mushrooms ~

The touch of the sea in a vegan meal 🌱

Gently combined with lime, garlic and lemongrass infusion, this dish is as flavorful, creamy and fresh as it is satisfying and plant based😉
Enjoy ☺️

02 - 03 Decembrie


Creamy, smoky and very comforting

This is one of our favorite dish 💚 It has every ingredient for the perfect meal: texture, creaminess, a lot of umami flavors…it’s hot and savory and it brings a lot of joy. Besides that, who doesn’t love pasta?🤩
This weekend’s special at BUNT Bistro 🌈 Enjoy ☺️

25 - 26 Noiembrie

Udon Noodles Bulgogi Style 🌱

This meal is a fusion of two dishes that are iconic in the Korean kitchen.  Bulgogi is usually served with rice, but the idea of serving  it together with the udon noodles will be even more satisfying for your taste buds.

Savory, incredibly aromatic and pleasantly textured this dish is the ideal meal for any time of the day. It’s vegan, loaded with veggies and spices and makes a great comfort food choice 🥰

Today’s Special at BUNT bistro💚Enjoy ☺️

Disponibil 11 - 12 Noiembrie

Glazed smoked tofu with mashed potatoes and a fresh dill sauce 🌿

This weekend's special is a tradish dish with a twist 🙃

Disponibil 04 - 05 Noiembrie



"Hocus pocus. Time to focus”🧹

Sweet and spicy ~ Garlic Cream Soup ~ infused with Matcha, Basil and Lime🌱

A savory and intense dish perfectly seasoned for this Halloween 🎃 weekend vibes 👻
Today’s Special at BUNT Bistro . Enjoy ☺️

Disponibil 28 - 29 Octombrie

Mushrooms & Fennel a la Creme with Rosemary roasted potatoes🌱

Disponibil 21 - 22 Octombrie

Bell pepper fiiled with a soy & seeds mix in a rich tomato sauce served with a delicious polenta crêpe 🌱

Disponibil 15 Octombrie

~Risotto Verde with Eggplant, Zucchini and Avocado 🌱~

Disponibil 30 Septembrie - 02 Octombrie

Cozy, Rustic, Vegan Bean Soup 🌱

Disponibil 16 - 17 Septembrie

Vegan Sausages with Sauerkraut and home style roasted Potatoes

Disponibil 23 - 24 Septembrie

Curry pasta with baby spinach, carrots and crispy nutty baked soy meat🌱

Disponibil 09 - 10 Septembrie

Sarmale vegane cu seminte, naut, bulgur si soia, cu mamaliga si sos de rosii

Disponibil 26 - 27 August

Vegan Chanterelles a la Creme with Ginger Beer and Gnocchi style fried Dumplings

Disponibil 05 - 06 August

Summer Salad with sweet potato puffs and orange-lime dressing

Disponibil 19 - 20 August

Vegan Mushroom Stew with Crushed Crusty Rosemary Potatoes

Disponibil 29 - 30 Iulie


Disponibil 22 - 23 Iulie

Tort AMAI “Monkey Business”

Disponibil 15 - 16 Iulie

Vegan Moussaka with Cashew Bechamel Sauce

Disponibil 08 - 09 Iulie

AMAI Chocolate & Nuts Cake

Disponibil 01 - 02 Iulie

Celebration Cocktail

Disponibil 24 - 25 Iunie

Ciorba de salate cu tofu afumat, lamaie si bagheta crocanta

Disponibil 17 -18 Iunie

Vegan Portobello Piccata with fresh Sage, Basil, Lime and Mint Garnish

Disponibil 03 - 04 Iunie

Vegan Dirty Rice with Baby Carrots and Crunchy Broccoli

Disponibil 10 - 11 Iunie

Smurfs Crepes - cu crema de de ciocolata Milka, nuci, banane, kiwi si afine

Disponibil 01 Iunie

Fresh Asparagus and Portobello Mushrooms Vinaigrette in an edible Oat and Poppy Seeds Basket

Disponibil 27 - 28 Mai

Fusilli with Cookie Crumble, walnuts, fresh fruit and a touch of vanilla

Disponibil 20 -21 Mai

Farfalle with homemade tomato sauce and sweet peas

Disponibil 06 - 07 Mai

Spring Soy NoMeatBall Burger

Disponibil 29 - 30 Aprilie

Courgette cu bulgur, sparanghel verde si rosii cherry

Disponibil 22 -23 Aprilie

~ Vegan Stuffed Cannelloni ~ Lasagna Style

Disponibil 08 - 09 Aprilie

Vegan stuffed Peppers with Tomato Sauce and crispy Polenta Crepes

Disponibil 15 - 16 Aprilie

Vegan Mushroom Stroganoff with flavorful Gnocchi

Disponibil 02 - 03 Aprilie

Coconut-Rice Vegan Pudding with Bitter Orange Marmalade and fresh Mango and Pomegranate bits

Disponibil 25 - 26 Martie

Grilled Veggie Skewers and rosemary Potatoes

Disponibil 18 - 19 Martie

Black Beans Appetizers with sweet corn and dill salsa

Disponibil 11 - 12 Martie

Gulyas cu ciuperci si cartofi

Disponibil 04 - 05 Martie

Guhiveci de legume stil Letscho/Lecso cu Polenta prajita si praz calit in vin alb

Disponibil 25 - 26 Februarie

Orange Gin Sour Love

Dragobete Special

Disponibil 18 - 19 Februarie

Couscous Love Affair

Valentine’s Day Special

Modern Love Cocktail

Valentine’s Day Special

Disponibil 04 - 05 Februarie

Disponibil 21 - 22 Ianuarie

Disponibil 07 - 08 Ianuarie

Disponibil 26 - 27 Noiembrie

Disponibil 28 - 29 Ianuarie

Disponibil 14 - 15 Ianuarie

Disponibil 03 - 04 Decembrie

Disponibil 19 - 20 Noiembrie

Pantacce Toscane cu Varza

Disponibil 12 - 13 Noiembrie

Homemade pumpkin biscuits with roasted almonds, healthy pumpkin seeds and orange peel

Disponibil 05 - 06 Noiembrie

Disponibil 29 - 30 Octombrie

Disponibil 15 - 15 Octombrie

Disponibil 01 - 02 Octombrie

Disponibil 22 - 23 Octombrie

Disponibil 08 - 09 Octombrie

Disponibil 24 - 25 Septembrie

Disponibil 10 - 11 Septembrie

Disponibil 03 - 04 Septembrie

Disponibil 27 - 28 August

Disponibil 13 - 14 August


Disponibil 06 - 07 August

Rosemary Sunset

Disponibil 30 - 31 Iulie

Paste cu varza

Disponibil 23 -24 Iulie

Los 3 Amigos

Disponibil 17 - 18 Iulie